SEND & SEMH Information

SENDCo information:

The SENDCo is responsible for ensuring all the needs of our young people are met.

What is an EHCP? What is an annual review?

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document for an individual child or young person aged 0-25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), which sets out a description of their educational, health and social care needs and the provision that must be implemented in order to help them.

A review is held annually to recommend any changes to the EHCP to the local authority and to check the provision listed in the plan is still relevant to the young person and their needs.

The four areas of need:

In the SEND Code of Practice, there are four broad areas of special educational needs, that should be identified and focused on within educational settings.

The four main SEND areas are:

1. Communication and Interaction

2. Cognition and Learning

3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties

4. Physical and/or Sensory Needs

Regarding these categories, the Code states that “Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset.”

Please find below guidance on supporting your child with special educational needs:

1. Communication and Interaction – Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)Asperger’s Syndrome and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

2. Cognition and Learning – Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) e.g. Dyslexia, DyspraxiaIrlen Syndrome

3. Sensory and/or Physical needs – Visual Impairment (VI)Hearing Impairment (HI)Physical Disability

4. Social, Emotional and Mental Health – ADHD

– Mental health issues etc. anxiety, depression

*This list is not exhaustive but most relevant to our setting*

Additional support and advice for parents and carers:

Oldham Local Offer

Manchester Local Offer

SENDIASS Manchester


CAMHS Manchester

CAHMS Oldham

Parent/carer courses and drop-ins:

SEND Station

Local offer monthly drop-ins (see above links)

SEMH Support