Feedback & Testimonials

"GMIS has helped me in so many ways. It has helped me grow, learn and mature. Before I joined this school in September 2020, I wasn't in a school and hadn't been for 2 and a half years. I never saw myself in school again, but then I was accepted into this school, and now I'm doing nothing but thriving. The staff help you grow and encourage you to be determined to have a good future ahead of school. SLT help with new pathways, such as college, new careers and work experience. The school opens many pathways and does not give up on you, all staff are forever there for you and only want what is best for you. Staff at GMIS continue providing their support to you even when you leave at the end of year 11, their doors are always open for new people and treat everyone the same. No one is divided, we are all as one!!! If I wasn't at this school I don't know where I would be. I recommend this school to anyone who is struggling and anyone who needs consistency. We are all one family."
- Year 11 Pupil
"It has been an absolute pleasure working with you, your staff and the school in general. It is such an amazing service you offer - one that is flexible and child centred. I’ve never known anything like it - amazing!"
- Manchester City Council Early Help Team
Since starting in September at GMIS, my son is a different lad. He’s made massive progress in all areas, even with people in general. He's more confident, he’s happy, he’s excited, he loves to go to school 😲😲. I actually don’t even have to wake him - he’s up and ready for his day. The whole team deserves an award I think. You are all truly amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my son a happy lad again. GMIS is my first and best choice. Happy mind, happy child. Thank you.
- Parent of Year 7 Student